“Did I Mention a Guggenheim Award?”
Notes from upsetting the clique
By Sophia Siedlberg
I cannot start this without mentioning that Alice Dreger has won a Guggenheim award. There is mass starvation, and there are thousands of children being surgically altered every year; the war in the middle east is really horrible; lots of Americans are losing their sons and daughters to the war in Iraq, and Alice has won a Guggenheim Award. Did I forget to mention that Alice Dreger has won a Guggenheim award? Well just in case we have forgotten, it has just dawned on me again to remember that Alice Dreger has won a Guggenheim award. Now we must not forget Alice has a Guggenheim award.
The Chinese have been testing nuclear weapons and beaten up on a lot of Buddhists; the Olympic torch is none too popular and there are mass graves in Srebrenica being dug up. Oh yes and we must not forget, most important of all, Alice Dreger has won a Guggenheim award. Well good for her. But hang on. What does this earth shattering news mean? Did she also happen to have a nomination for the Nobel Prize as well? And was she nominated for both by the others in the Clarke Northwestern clique.
Well reading the Guggenheim publicity material, I find that this is a rather interesting little organization that in truth has people apply to it for grants or funding for given projects that are designed to “further humanity”. I wonder what Alice has been given funding to be doing in order to further humanity. There is that new system she has nurtured to make vast quantities of methane. All she does is think of being pregnant, lifts her top from her stomach and she can produce enough “womb turds” to solve an oil crisis and an alternative source of energy.
No she was given the award so she can write a more virtual crock of well you know what I mean, called “Studying the squeals of Lab Rats: The Sequel”. Yes, you read that correctly. She has been awarded thousands of dollars by the Guggenheim foundation (Which she applied for I add) to write an even more revolting PDF file about the “Critics of J Michael Bailey”. Perhaps I should be congratulating her, but I am simply no longer convinced that her constantly dragging this subject up over and over again is serving any purpose. What this does to “Further humanity” eludes me completely.
But then what does Alice Dreger really think that “furthering humanity” means? I mean since “Studying the squeals of Lab Rats” all we have seen is an almighty row blow up that was really better left buried. And in the middle of this tempest while responding to an article in the Daily Northwestern her puppy dog Aron Sousa came out with how wonderful sex with her is.
I Quote:
“I have been referenced in Mr. Gsovski's article as a research subject with whom Dr. Dreger had sex. Let me say that I think both the research and the sex were/are excellent.”
Well I have no doubt he had his little Scooby snacks and got jealous of the Dr Who Adipose that has decided that Alice is its mother. Oh yes, I almost forgot. Did I mention that Alice has been given a Guggenheim award? OK, I have to say this every now and then just to remind people of the real news. And she is thrilled at the fact that she can now do more “research” with Aron, suck up to Bailey and then publish an even bigger PDF file called “The Squeals of Lab Rats: The Sequel”.
I have no doubt that she will be mentioning OII in the sequel and I may myself be a target of her writing. Well that is called freedom of speech and I have no doubt when she starts digging the dirt on me she will have a few shocks. She will have trod on a landmine. Oh enough of that, I don’t think I need mention the nasty things. Yes Alice got her Guggenheim award and that is all that really should matter.
No she was given the award so she can write a more virtual crock of well you know what I mean, called “Studying the squeals of Lab Rats: The Sequel”. Yes, you read that correctly. She has been awarded thousands of dollars by the Guggenheim foundation (Which she applied for I add) to write an even more revolting PDF file about the “Critics of J Michael Bailey”. Perhaps I should be congratulating her, but I am simply no longer convinced that her constantly dragging this subject up over and over again is serving any purpose. What this does to “Further humanity” eludes me completely.
But then what does Alice Dreger really think that “furthering humanity” means? I mean since “Studying the squeals of Lab Rats” all we have seen is an almighty row blow up that was really better left buried. And in the middle of this tempest while responding to an article in the Daily Northwestern her puppy dog Aron Sousa came out with how wonderful sex with her is.
I Quote:
“I have been referenced in Mr. Gsovski's article as a research subject with whom Dr. Dreger had sex. Let me say that I think both the research and the sex were/are excellent.”
Well I have no doubt he had his little Scooby snacks and got jealous of the Dr Who Adipose that has decided that Alice is its mother. Oh yes, I almost forgot. Did I mention that Alice has been given a Guggenheim award? OK, I have to say this every now and then just to remind people of the real news. And she is thrilled at the fact that she can now do more “research” with Aron, suck up to Bailey and then publish an even bigger PDF file called “The Squeals of Lab Rats: The Sequel”.
I have no doubt that she will be mentioning OII in the sequel and I may myself be a target of her writing. Well that is called freedom of speech and I have no doubt when she starts digging the dirt on me she will have a few shocks. She will have trod on a landmine. Oh enough of that, I don’t think I need mention the nasty things. Yes Alice got her Guggenheim award and that is all that really should matter.
Why did she get awarded this money? So she can go out and call a lot of people nasty names and also stick the boot in on a few people (Mainly Lynn Conway, Andrea James and Deirdre McKlosky). Like why does she feel so protective towards Bailey? Actually that is an interesting question, like did he blackmail her or something? Or was he so nice that she was charmed by him? Oh, what do I care; let’s change the subject. Genetics, I have always been fascinated by that period of time between the world wars when a lot of people changed their names to avoid persecution. There were also a number of adoptions that used to happen at this time. It is interesting because it plays havoc for geneologists. I would love to research this, perhaps I could myself apply for a grant from an organization like the Guggenheim, I mean as I am trained as a geneticist. I could put some emphasis on something like tracing the ancestry according to names and the ancestry according to genetics. There are many interesting markers I could use. Like for the names I could look at certain names and determine who was given them to avoid persecution. That would be important because people who believed their families were killed in concentration camps could find distant relatives who avoided that horror by being “assimilated” out of the targeted communities. They often used certain Anglo Saxon and German names. Some names were used quite often to avoid being hammered under the jackboot.
I could also use genetics to trace people’s actual origins, with markers like double recessive genes for example. And pool recursions and so on. It would actually be quite interesting historically. Not only would it enable people to understand where they came from, it may actually make some people stop and think a little. For example if you told a genocidal maniac that they had an ancestry belonging to a group of people they do not like, then what would happen? I doubt very much I would get funding for such a project, though I do believe the University College of London had an interesting project recently that looked at a little more than Y chromosomes and mitochondrial DNA. Some people were rather surprised, like there they were believing they were descended from the Vikings and it turned out they originated in some areas of what would now be known as Lebanon. To me that is something far more enlightening for humanity than beating up on a few activists belonging to sexual minorities. But then I am not quite so sure Alice Dreger would share my enthusiasm for such research. I think I know why.